Theming: Typography
Example Usage:
The Typography module replaces the use of h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p... etc like this:
<div>{/* The variant keyword is key and differentiates which text element to use*/}<Typography variant="h4">Modal Title</Typography><Typography variant="body1">Lorem ipsum dolor amet marfa aesthetic salvia brooklyn farm-to-table artparty man bun roof party af gentrify. Glossier fingerstache hell of microdosing.</Typography></div>
Material-UI Customizing Typography Docs
You can customize typography components using CSS whenever you wish using classes like this:
<TypographyclasseName={styles.italicBodyStyles}variant="body1">Lorem ipsum dolor amet marfa aesthetic salvia brooklyn farm-to-table artparty man bun roof party af gentrify. Glossier fingerstache hell of microdosing.</Typography>
However, if you want to edit the default typography styles you can use the default theme javascript object like this:
export const resourcePrimaryFont = 'Circular';export const resourceSecondaryFont = 'Lato';export const resourceTheme = createMuiTheme({typography: {h1: {fontFamily: resourcePrimaryFont,fontStyle: 'normal',color: resourceMidnightBlue,margin: '20px 0px 5px 0px',fontWeight: 'bold',fontSize: '64px',lineHeight: '68px',letterSpacing: '-1px',},body1: {fontFamily: resourceSecondaryFont,fontStyle: 'normal',fontWeight: 'normal',fontSize: '16px',lineHeight: '24px',color: resourceMidnightBlue,},},}